Need to Reprioritize Your Time? Try This!

As most working professionals have typically experienced firsthand, being busy does not necessarily mean being productive. Often you may find yourself dealing with time-consuming tasks and constant interruptions that distract you from performing the tasks that are most valuable to more important goals.  Maximizing the output of your effort requires being intentional with your schedule and To Do list. If you need to re-prioritize your time, try these tips:

Track Your Time

You cannot effectively improve your time management until you identify the core issues that negatively impact it. Track your time for a few days to determine how much you spend on which tasks on average. The results can be eye-opening to see how much time is spent on low-impact activities. Once you recognize the specific distractors, you can strategize accordingly to avoid them.

Establish a Framework

Chronic time wasting is often due to making decisions at the moment based on a seeming sense of urgency or simply not being intentional and doing whatever is top-of-mind. Establish a framework to assist you in prioritizing tasks in a way that better serves you overall. Consider factors such as how crucial it is to your core job duties, if it advances your professional goals if it progresses toward an important project, etc.

Optimize Your Daily Planning

If you do not proactively set your plan for what you want to accomplish each day, you are more likely to end up in a cycle of not working toward your established priorities. Optimize your daily planning with an organizational method that aligns with your preferences, natural tendencies, and objectives. Write out a To Do list each day in which you define your most important one to three tasks. Then, block out time in your schedule for dedicated work time for those most important tasks. For instance, you may find it helpful to have time blocks during the first part of your day to focus on your top priorities and leave buffers later in the day for administrative or unplanned tasks that arise.

Work on Setting Boundaries

It’s one thing to tell yourself that your go-to distractors are not a priority, but it can be challenging when other people interrupt your time. Work on setting boundaries by telling others that you will tackle their request in a kind and respectful manner. Be gracious and straightforward, and offer an alternative if possible. For example, “Unfortunately, my schedule is full this morning. I would be happy to help later this afternoon.”

Take the Next Step in Your Career

Are you ready to explore new job opportunities? IFG is an accounting and finance employment agency, and our team of Business Partners has direct experience in the industry. We can work with you to connect you with the jobs that are the best fit for you, from your knowledge and skillset to your overall career goals. Contact us today to meet with an IFG Business Partner.