How to Appeal to Gen Z and Millennials

ACCORDING TO GALLUP FINDINGS, Gen Z and millennials combined comprise those born after 1980 through 2001, and now makeup almost half of the full-time workforce in the U.S. Many of these workers are dissatisfied – 40% of Gen Zs and 24% of Millennials plan to change jobs within two years, according to the Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey. These generations have much different life experiences than older workers; therefore, recruitment and retention initiatives that were once effective may need to be updated to align with what these younger generations of workers want. Learn more about how to appeal to Gen Z and Millennials:

Offer Competitive Compensation

It likely does not surprise that pay is the main factor for attracting and retaining workers, but it is mainly of great concern to Gen Z and Millennials. These generations struggle with financial security – nearly half of Gen Z and Millennials are worried about the cost of living and being able to pay their expenses. Ensure your organization offers competitive compensation that aligns with the current market rate and factors in the cost of living increases.

Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Gen Z and Millennial workers know how their jobs affect their overall well-being. The main reason for leaving jobs for this generation is burnout, according to the Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey. By prioritizing work-life balance for employees, such as offering schedule flexibility, encouraging paid time off, and maintaining boundaries for working hours, you can be more effective at attracting and retaining Gen Z and Millennial talent.

Provide Opportunities for Development

Often employees leave employers they enjoy because they are no longer challenged or gaining new skills. Professional development doesn’t require promotions – findings from Microsoft’s 22 Work Trend Index reported that 73% of Gen Z and Millennials responded that they would be willing to stay at an employer if they could learn new skills without advancing. Provide development opportunities, such as offering training or paying for continued education, to demonstrate that your workplace is one where employees can fulfill their potential and not be stuck in a dead-end job.

Cultivate a Positive Culture

Nearly half of Gen Z and Millennial workers stated that a positive workplace culture is a top priority in what they look for in a job, according to Microsoft’s 22 Work Trend Index. They look at their jobs as more than a paycheck – they want to go to a workplace where everyone is treated as a valued team member and feel like they are doing important work that gives them a sense of purpose. Cultivating a positive workplace culture requires open communication, consistently checking in with employees, gathering feedback, and implementing policies that make employees feel recognized and respected.

Attract Top Talent

Build your team by finding the best candidates with IFG. We provide accounting and finance staffing solutions to clients throughout Canada and the U.S. Our recruiting team has an expansive network of candidates and can help find high-quality employees. Contact us to learn more about our recruiting services.