How to Ace Your Video Calls

Our new normal has brought increased reliance on virtual meetings and we are all learning how to stay together while staying apart. It is possible to build and maintain strong relationships with coworkers and clients over video.

Here are some tips for success:

  • Optimize your video calls by testing your audio and video ahead of time. Call your most honest friend or co-worker to get their opinion on your set up.
  • Set up your call somewhere with good lighting: avoid glare and don’t sit with a window behind you. For best results position a light source from behind your computer’s camera.
  • Avoid wearing bright colours or busy patterns which can be distracting! Cool and subtle tones present best on camera.
  • Position your camera at eye level so you’re not looking down at the camera. Place your laptop on a small stack of books for a quick fix.
  • Clean up! Analyze your background to make sure it’s as clean and professional as possible. Avoid messy or distracting environments.

Video calls work best when others can SEE, HEAR, and FOCUS on you and your message. Follow the tips above to have a successful video call.