Here Are the Keys to Staying Engaged at Work

Being engaged at work, in which you enthusiastically feel connected to your work and find fulfillment in the outcomes of your effort, can make you more motivated and productive. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to build and maintain engagement – only 32% of workers consider themselves engaged with their employers, according to Gallup research findings. Since you spend a significant amount of your time at work, prioritizing and boosting your engagement will make you feel more satisfied with your job and make your workdays more enjoyable.

Here are the keys to staying engaged at work:

Find Opportunities for Autonomy

A common factor in disengagement at work is feeling like you have no control over your work life. Having a feeling of ownership can boost your motivation and give you more pride in your tasks. Be proactive at building autonomy in your workdays, such as suggesting new ideas, volunteering to lead projects, or establishing your goals.

Set Strict Work-Life Boundaries

Although technology provides flexibility in how and when you perform work duties, it can also contribute to burnout if you are not mindful to avoid overworking yourself. Constantly checking emails at all hours or completing tasks during your off-time can make you feel overwhelmed and resentful of your job; therefore, it is essential to set boundaries and stop working during your personal time.

Use Your Vacation Time

When you fail to take time away from your job, you can get caught up in the daily grind of your workplace and start to become disengaged. Make it a priority to schedule vacations and use up the paid time off that you have earned. Not only will the break help you re-energize so you don’t end up overworked and burned out, but being away can give you a renewed sense of appreciation for the positive aspects of your job. When you return, maintain the momentum of the good vibes and stay engaged by practicing gratitude and listing out something you like about your job daily.

Focus on Your Purpose

Often it is the lack of a sense of purpose that leads to feeling detached at work. Remind yourself of why you went into your line of work or what was most exciting when you were first hired for your current job. Thinking of the bigger picture of the value you provide and your passion can help spark your engagement and help you remember why you want to go to work each day.

Achieve Your Professional Goals

Are you ready to start looking for a new job? Turn to IFG to find the opportunities that are best for you. We are a top accounting and finance employment agency serving employers throughout Canada and the United States and can assist you with your job search. Contact us today to meet with an IFG Business Partner.